Février 7, 2020

Heavy Rainfall Advisory and Food Security Update for the SADC region

The SADC Food Security Early Warning System Agromet Update for the 2019/2020 Agriculture Season and SADC Climate Services Centre (CSC) Heavy Rainfall Advisory -5-11 February, 2020.

Key highlights from The SADC Food Security Early Warning System Agromet Update for the 2019/2020 Agriculture Season

  • October to December 2019 rainfall was the lowest in central parts of the region since 1981
  • Extended dryness in December and January resulted in permanent wilting of crops in southern Mozambique and Zimbabwe
  • South Africa’s main maize growing areas received good rains during December and January
  • Heavy rains continued in northern parts of the region and northern Madagascar, resulting in flooding. Flash flooding was also reported in some of the areas that have been predominantly dry this season, including southern Zambia and western Zimbabwe.

Summary of the SADC Climate Services Centre (CSC) Heavy Rainfall Advisory -5-11 February, 2020

Central-eastern Angola, central-to-south-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, western Eswatini, southern Lesotho, central Mozambique, eastern most South Africa, central parts of United Republic of Tanzania, most of southern half of Zimbabwe and northern Zambia have a high probability to receive heavy rainfall above 50mm in 24 hours (Figure 1) during the forecast period from 05 to 11 February 2020. These rains are likely to result in localized flooding in certain areas.