Regional Strategic Action Plan on Integrated Water Resources Development and Management Version 2 is the second such document in a series of Action Plans for water resources management and development in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The Regional Strategic Action Plan on Integrated Water Resources Development and Management RSAP-IWRM, or RSAP 2 as it became known, was developed based on the Mid Term Review of the preceding plan, implemented from 1998 to 2004.
Implemented from 2005 to 2010, the RSAP-IWRM converted the recommendations of the Mid Term Review into a viable strategic plan, incorporating the vision and mission, project portfolio, and the institutional framework covering governance, implementation, management, financial and monitoring and evaluation aspects, with the following strategic objectives:
* Maintain and sustain an enabling environment for regional water resources development and management
* Provide a framework for sustainable, effective and efficient planning and management of shared river basins at regional and related national levels
* Establish supporting mechanisms for strategic infrastructure development for regional integration and development, and poverty alleviation
* Develop, promote and facilitate best practices regarding effective participation by various individual and institutional stakeholders in water resource development and management, including women, youth and other disadvantaged groups
* Build and strengthen human and institutional capacity for sustainable management of water resources at local, national and regional level
While the Mid Term Review identified that the goal of the first RSAP, creating an enabling environment for regional water infrastructure, the next action plan should be steered on infrastructure development itself, refocused and simplified, while also supporting the SADC development agenda.
The strategic objectives the RSAP between 2005 and 2010 comprises the following four strategic areas:
1. Regional Water Resources Planning and Management;
2. Infrastructure Development Support;
3. Water Governance; and
4. Capacity Building.