Mai 6, 2015

SADC Council of Ministers to discuss SADC Budget 2015-16

The SADC Council of Ministers is meeting today and tomorrow in Harare, Zimbabwe, to discuss the 2015/16 SADC Business Plan and Budget and progress report on the implementation 2014/15 as well as SADC Plans the implementation of past Council Decisions.

The official opening session of the meeting was addressed by Chairperson of the Hon. Simbarashe Mumbengegwi , Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Zimbabwe and Chairperson of the SADC Council of Ministers Hon. Mumbngegwi' speech to March 2015 SADC Council of Ministers meeting official opening and by SADC Executive Secretary, Dr. Stergomena Lawrence Tax SADC Executive Secretary's statement to the official opening of the March 2015 SADC Council of Ministers Meeting and All SADC Member States are represented at the Council meeting.