Juin 25, 2015

Executive Director, International Development of the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux International (CABI) Pays a Courtesy Call on the SADC Executive Secretary

BOTSWANA, 24 June, 2015. The Executive Director responsible for International Development at the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux International (CABI), Dr Dennis Rangi today paid a courtesy call on the SADC Executive secretary, Dr. Stergomena L. Tax. In her welcome note, the Executive Secretary highlighted a number of recent developments in the region especially in relation to the approved revised SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) 2015 – 2020, the SADC Industrialization Strategy and Road Map 2015-2063 and the Regional Agriculture Policy among others.

The CABI Executive Director, Dr. Dennis Rangi, thanked the SADC Executive Secretary for the opportunity accorded to his delegation. He highlighted that CABI is a membership organisation working on a number of thematic areas including agriculture research, food safety, pest control and environmental conservation in a number of countries including some SADC Member States. He noted that collaborating with SADC would bring a lot of positive benefits in adding value to what Member States are doing.

The two Parties resolved to collaborate in areas of common interest taking advantage of their institutions' comparative advantage. They agreed to work together in identifying areas of common interest with a view to formalise the collaboration between the two institutions.