Août 20, 2015

SADC Industrialization Strategy & Roadmap Launched

The SADC Industrialization Strategy and Roadmap 2015 - 2063 is the first of its kind. It has a long term perspective, and is aligned to national, regional, continental and international dimensions.The Strategy recognizes that for trade liberalization to contribute to sustainable and equitable develop¬ment, and thus to poverty reduction, it must be complimented by the requisite capacities to produce, and to trade effectively and efficiently.

The primary orientation of the Strategy is the importance of technological and economic transformation of the SADC region through industrialization, modernization, skills development, science and technology, financial strengthening and deeper regional integration. The Strategy is anchored on three pillars namely; industrialization as champion of economic and technological transformation; competitiveness as an active process to move from comparative advantage to competitive advantage; and regional integration and geography as the context for industrial development and economic prosperity.
