Publication Notice of EU Funded Grants and Procurement Contracts

Closing Date: Juillet 15, 2014

Closing Time: 12:00 PM

Awarded Tender

Publication Notice of EU Funded Grants and Procurement Contracts

Name of Programme Contribution Agreement Regional Economic Integration Support (REIS)
EU Reference Number 314724
Entity with whom the Commission has signed the contribution agreement The Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Total Amount of EU contribution for the programme € 19,600,000

Grants and procurement contracts awarded in 2014/15 for an amount >15,000”Euro

Title of procurement contract Name and Nationality of contractor Amount of each contract
Provision of Accomodation (B&B) and conference package for delegates attending Food Safety, Animal and Plant health workshop in Dar es Salaam-Tanzania 25-29 August 2014. Double Tree by Hilton Hotel-Dar es Salaam-Tanzania USD 24 575.00
Provision of Accomodation (B&B) and conference package for delegates attending Payment System Legal and Integration Workshop to be held on the 3-5 March 2015, Mozambique, Maputo VIP Grand Maputo Hotel – Mozambique USD 18 006.40
Provision of Accomodation (B&B) and conference package for delegates attending SPS Harmonising workshop in Harare-Zimbabwe 2-5 March 2015 Rainbow Towers - Zimbabwe USD 16 992.00
Provision of Accomodation and conference package for delegates attending SADC 22nd TNF Services Meeting to be held on the 04-08 August 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa Birchwood Hotel – South Africa ZAR 491 614.20
Provision of Accomodation and conference package to the delegates attending the SADC 23rd TNF Services Meeting, 8-12 December2014 Garden Court – South Africa ZAR 465 670.80
Provision of Accomodation package to delegates attending the SADC 24th TNF Services Meeting, 23-27 March 2015 Southern sun Pretoria Hotel – South Africa ZAR 440 945.02
Provision of Accomodation and Conference Package for EC SADC EPA Senior Officials Meeting 20-27 June 2014 Johannesburg, RSA Protea Hotel-Or Tambo Airport – South Africa ZAR 296 781.10
Provision of Conference Package to delegates attending the SADC 24th TNF Services Meeting, 23-27 March 2015 Southern sun Pretoria Hotel – South Africa ZAR 278 425.00
Provision of Accomodation and Conference Package for delegates attending the SADC Trade in Services Statistics, TWG (SI) SO & Legal Scrubbing meetings: 25-29 August 2014 Johannesburg, Premier Hotel OR Tambo –South Africa ZAR 276 960.00
Provision of Accomodation and Conference Package for delegates attending the EU-SADC EPA Legal Scrubbing Meetings 19-30 January 2015 Pretoria, South Africa Protea Hotel Centurion – South Africa ZAR 251 777.40
Provision of Accomodation and Conference Package for delegates attending SADC EPA Ministerial, Senior officials and ministerial meetings and Technical working groups 11-16 May 2014 Pretoria-South Africa Sheraton Hotel Pretoria:- South Africa ZAR 235 719.05
Provision of Accomodation and Conference Package for International Investment promotion training Garden Court Hotel – South Africa ZAR 210 997.00
Provision of Accomodation and Conference Package to host SADC 22nd TNF Services Meeting to be held on the 04-08 August 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa Birchwood Hotel – South Africa ZAR 173 252.85
Provision of Accomodation and Conference Package for delegates attending SPS Awareness workshop in Pretoria-South Africa 10-12 February 2015 Southern Sun Pretoria:- South Africa ZAR 169 684.20
Provision of Accomodation and Conference Package for Delegates attending the SADC EPA Technical Working Group SI Workshop & Meeting in Johannesburg, RSA on the 17-20 March 2015 Garden Court – South Africa ZAR 168 036.75
Provision of E- tickets for delegates attending Food Safety, Animal and Plant Health workshop in Dar es Salaam-Tanzania 25-29 August 2014 AT & T Travel - Botswana BWP 800 297.00
Provision of E- tickets to delegates travelling to Johannesburg, SA to attend the 23rd TNF Services Meeting, 8-12 December 2014 AT & T Travel - Botswana BWP 535 084.00
Provision of E- tickets to delegates attending Tax incentives and Joint Investment meeting 19-22 January 2014 Lucky Sky travel - Gaborone BWP 495 270.00
Provision of E- tickets to delegates attending SADCTBTSC meeting 30 Sept - 02 October 2014 in Harare-Zimbabwe Travelwise - Botswana BWP 472 398.00
Provision of E- tickets to secretariat staff & delegates travelling to Pretoria to attend the SADC 24th TNF Meeting 23-27 March 2015 AT & T - Botswana BWP 441 200.00
Provision of E-tickets for delegates attending SADCAS NAFP training in Gaborone-Botswana from 25-27 February 2015 AT & T - Botswana BWP 439 970.00
Provision of E-tickets for delegates attending SADC SPS Harmonisation workshop 3-5 March 2015. Lucky Sky-Botswana BWP 438 110.00
Provision of E-tickets to delegates who will be participating at the SADC 22nd TNF Services Meeting 4-8 August 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa Nationwide - Botswana BWP 419 800.00
Provision of E-tickets for delegates attending SPS Coordinating Committee meeting in Pretoria-South Africa 4-5 February 2015 Lucky Sky - Botswana BWP 373 237.00
Provision of E-tickets for delegates attending Livestock Awareness workshop in Arusha-Tanzania 21-23 October 2014
PR 0259
Skylink Travel - Botswana BWP 346 159.00
Provision of E-tickets for delegates attending the Review & Strategic Planning Meeting on Trade in Services & Workshop on Movement of Natural Person 10 - 14 November 2014 Johannesburg, South Africa Nationwide Travel - Botswana BWP 342 185.00
Provision of E-tickets for delegates attending 6th SADC SPS Coordinating Committee meeting in Gaborone-Botswana 24-26 June 2014PR 0206 Skylink Travel - Botswana BWP 342 098.00
Provision of E-tickets for Delegates and SADC Secretariat Staff attending the EU SADC EPA Legal Scrubbing Text from 7th to 13th March 2015 Brussels, Belgium TRL Travel -Botswana BWP 331 440.00
Provision of E-tickets for delegates attending SPS Awareness workshop in Swaziland 19-23 May 2014  Travelwise - Botswana BWP 307 650.00
Provision of E-tickets for delegates attending SIRESS Payment Integration Workshop and SADC PSOC Meeting , Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania 18-20 Nov 2014 Nationwide Travel - Botswana BWP 290 453.00
Provision of E-tickets for delegates attending SADC SPS Harmonisation workshop 3-5 March 2015. Lucky Sky-- Botswana BWP 286 890.00
Provision of E-tickets for delegates attending the SADC EPA TWG Legal Scrubbing & Joint SADC EPA Meetings 2-3 October 2014 Johannesburg, RSA & 2-10 October 2014 Brussels Nationwide - Botswana BWP 286 373.00
Provision of E-tickets to participants attending the High Level Expert Seminar on 29-30 April 2014 in Gaborone, Botswana Travel Wise -Botswana BWP 278 700.00
Provision of E-tickets to delegates attending ISADC Customised International Investment Promotion Training Lucky Sky - Botswana BWP 278 552.00
Provision of E-tickets to delegates attending SADC EPA Senior Official meeting in Brussels 30 March -02 May 2014. AT & T Travel - Botswana BWP 277 530.00
Provision of E-tickets to participants Airfares to attend the SADC EPA Meetings scheduled for 25-29 August 2014 in Johannesburg, RSA Nationwide Travel - Botswana BWP 266 035.00
Provision of E-tickets to delegates attending SADC Investment Promotion Agencies Forum in Lesotho from 17-19 February 2015 AT & T Travel - Botswana BWP 261 008.00
Provision of E-tickets to delegates attending SIRESS Payment Integration Workshop and SADC PSOC Meeting , Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania 18-20 Nov 2014For RFQ210 Lot 1A and Lot Nationwide Travel - Botswana BWP 250 887.00
Provision of E-tickets to delegates attending REIS VAT & Excise Guidelines workshop 23-26 July 2014 Gaborone-Botswana Travelwise - Botswana BWP 249 465.00
Provision of E-tickets to delegates attending the SADC Investment Focus Group Meeting 20-22 October 2014 Pretoria, RSA Nationwide Travel Botswana BWP 228 410.00
A Provision of E-tickets for EPA Delegates and Secretariat staff attending EC-SADC EPA Senior Officials meetings in Johannesburg, RSA on 20-27 June 2014 Skylink Travel - Botswana BWP 218 744.00
Provision of E-tickets to delegates attending the Review & Strategic Planning Meeting on Trade in Services & Workshop on Movement of Natural Person 10 - 14 November 2014 Johannesburg, South Africa Nationwide Travel - Botswana BWP 214 190.00
Conference package for delegates attending SADC Joint tax and Investment Tax Incentives Seminar 19-21 Jan 2015 in Gaborone-Botswana Cresta President Hotel - Botswana BWP 208 387.20
Provision of E-tickets to delegates attending Investment Focus Group meeting 3-4 July 2014 in Pretoria-South Africa. PR 0208 Skylink Travel - Botswana BWP 206 382.00
Provision of E-tickets to participants Airfares and Secretariat staff for delegates attending the Lead and Technical Assessor Training in Pretoria, RSA on the 24-27 March 2015 Lucky sky travel -Botswana BWP 204 712.00
Provision of E-tickets to delegates attending SPS Awareness workshop in Swaziland 19-23 May 2014 Skyways Travel - Botswana BWP 203 450.00
Provision of E-tickets to Participants Airfares for delegates attending 5th Investment Focus Group Meeting on the 23-25 March 2015 in Johannesburg, RSA Lucky Sky Travel -Botswana BWP 202 114.00
Provision of E-tickets to Participants Airfares to attend the SADCTRLC Data Collectors Training in Gaborone, Botswana on 2-3 December 2014 AT & T Travel - Botswana BWP 199 491.00
Provision of E-tickets to delegates attending SADC Investment Promotion Agencies Forum in Lesotho from 17-19 February 2015 AT & T Travel - Botswana BWP 192 588.00
Provision of E-tickets to staff travelling to DRC to attend 2015 Annual SQUAM Meetings, 12-20 March 2015 Spring Travel to issue e-tickets BWP 192 587.00
Provision of E-tickets to delegates attending Lead and Technical Assessor ISO/IEC training in Gaborone-Botswana 28 July-01 August 2014
PR 0223
 Travelwise - Botswana BWP 190 548.00
Provision of E-tickets to Participants Airfares for delegates attending the Joint SADC-WTO training Workshop on Scheduling of Commitments on Trade in Services 23-26 Sept. 2014 Windhoek, Namibia  Travelwise - Botswana BWP 187 312.00
Provision of E-tickets to delegates attending Livestock Awareness workshop in Arusha-Tanzania 21-23 October 2014 Skylink Travel - Botswana BWP 184 561.00
Provision of Conference package and accomodation for delegates attending 6th SADC SPS CC meeting (Plant protection and Food Safety) 24-26 July 2014. Phakalane Golf Estate - Botswana BWP 177 982.40
Provision of E-tickets to Participants Airfares attending the Facilitated Negotiations of DTAAs in Gaborone, Botswana on 1-5 December 2014 Skylink Travel - Botswana BWP 174 942.00
Provision of E-tickets to Participants secretariat staff & delegates travelling to Pretoria to attend the SADC 24th TNF Meeting 23-27 March 2015 AT & T - Botswana BWP 172 180.00
Provision of E-tickets to Participants and Secretariat Staff to attend the SADC EPA Senior Officials, Ministers and TWGs on 12-15 May in Pretoria, South Africa  Travelwise - Botswana BWP 168 100.00
Provision of E-tickets to delegates attending Payment System Forum annual meeting in Pretoria-South Africa 15-17 July 2014  Harveyworld Travel - Botswana BWP 167 483.00


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