Mars 17, 2016

SADC Industrialisation a Reality

SADC Executive Secretary, H.E. Dr. Stergomena Lawrence Tax has emphasised that implementation of the SADC Industrialisation Strategy is a priority, and key to sustainable and equitable regional integration and development.

Dr. Tax was speaking at an interview on the "In-Focus" television series programme this morning the 17th March, 2016. Responding to a question, as to whether it is realistic to implement a regional strategy despite the size and diversity of the SADC region, she responded that: "Indeed, and without any doubt as the strategy has the needed political backing of SADC Member States. Furthermore, in addition to political will there are a number of other programmes and initiatives that support the implementation of the SADC Industrialisation Strategy, including the SADC Infrastructure Development short-term Action Plan, SADC Project preparation Fund, and the SADC Regional Development Fund that is being operationalised".

The SADC Executive Secretary thanked the Institute of African Leadership for Sustainable Development (UONGOZI Institute) for their initiative to focus on the SADC Region in its next TV series that discusses "Realising the vision of the Southern African Development Community". She said this is testimony of the close relationship that exists between SADC and Uongozi Institute.