Octobre 7, 2022

SADC Announces Recipients of Post-Graduate Scholarships and Winners of Tertiary Institution Essay Competition in Honour of SADC Founders

The Secretariat of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) is pleased to announce the names of five (5) recipients of the Masters and PhD scholarships in the 2022 SADC Annual Scholarship Awards and three (3) winners of the 2022 SADC Tertiary Institution Essay Competition.

The SADC Annual Scholarship Awards and Tertiary Institution Essay Competition were launched in February, 2022 and October, 2021 respectively, to promote research on the roles and contributions of the SADC Founders to the regional integration and development agenda, following endorsement of the Mechanism in honour of the SADC Founders at the 40th SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government held in August 2020 to operationalise the Mechanism to Honour the SADC Founders.

The SADC Annual Scholarship award for the academic year 2022 has a total value of US$20,000 per student, covering full-time taught Masters, Doctoral, Post-doctoral Studies or Research in Social Sciences. The following are the five (5) recipients of the 2022/2023 SADC Annual Scholarship Awards;

Master’s Degree level

  1. Ms. Kgomotso Angel Gillian Madiba from the Republic of South Africa was awarded the SADC scholarship to pursue for Master’s Degree in International Trade Law (LLM) at the University of Stellenbosch. Her study focuses on strengthening economic integration within SADC, with particular attention on SADC Free Trade agreement and implications on regional economic integration.
  1. Ms. Meameno Twafindana Nghinamwaami from the Republic of Namibia was awarded the scholarship to pursue a Master’s of Science in Applied Epidemiology (Lab Management) at the University of Namibia. Ms. Nghinamwaami’s study area focuses on innovative preventative health strategies and covers the strengthening of health preventative techniques in the SADC region.
  1. Ms. Nosipho Thembekile Fakudze from the Kingdom of Eswatini was awarded the scholarship to pursue a Master’s Degree in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. Ms. Fakudze’s area of study focuses on an under researched topic in the region of ‘Photodynamic Therapy Efficacy of Punica Granatum fruit Extract on MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells.

PhD Level

  1. Mr. Abiodun Marumo Tito Omotoye from the Republic of Botswana was awarded the SADC Annual Scholarship to pursue a PhD in Public Policy at the University of Pretoria. Mr. Omotoye’s study focuses on anti-corruption and governance which are key to addressing one of the key risks constraining development, political stability and peace in the region.
  1. Ms. Msokera Treassar Nhlane from the Republic of Malawi was awarded the SADC Annual Scholarship to pursue a PhD in Development Studies at Chancellor College in Malawi. Ms. Nhlane’s study advocates for the reduction of SADC’s dependency on foreign aid.

The following are the three (3) regional winners for the 2022 SADC Tertiary Institution Essay Competition.

  1. First prize:  Ms. Cossa Néusia Orlando from the Republic of Mozambique was awarded the first prize of US$ 2,000. Ms. Cossa Néusia Orlando is an undergraduate learner of International Relations and Diplomacy at Universidade Joaquim Chissano in Maputo, Mozambique. She is working on her final paper on immigration and economic growth of Mozambique.
  1. Second prize:  Ms. Gangu-Khodabux Bibi Shaheen from the Republic of Mauritius was awarded the second prize of US$1,500. She is a learner of a MSc Climate Change, Health and Disaster Management at the University of Technology in Mauritius. She urges her fellow students to examine the root of SADC’s growing success by drawing lessons from the past struggles championed by the SADC Founders to address the present situations.
  1. Third prize: Mr. Stimar Maximilian John from the United Republic of Tanzania was awarded the third prize of US$1,000. He is an undergraduate dental scholar at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS). He believes that, by understanding the history of the African continent, people will know the direction the continent should take for its progress.

The Secretariat congratulates the recipients of the 2022 SADC Annual Scholarship Awards and winners of the 2022 Tertiary Institution Essay Competition and wishes them success in their studies as they contribute to the vision and aspirations of the SADC Founders.

The 2023 SADC Annual Scholarship Awards and Tertiary Institution Essay Competition will be launched at the end of November, 2022. The SADC Secretariat encourages the public to keep visiting the opportunities sections of the SADC website, www.sadc.int, for information on available awards and other opportunities.