The 23rd Ministerial Task Force (MTF) on Regional Economic Integration of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) held its meeting on 26th July, 2023 with Ministers calling for accelerated implementation of the industrialisation agenda to spur economic growth and poverty eradication in the SADC region.
In his opening remarks, Honourable Mr. Julien Paluku Kahongya, Minister of Industry of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Chairperson of the Ministerial Task Force (MTF) on Regional Economic Integration, highlighted the need for the SADC region to redouble its efforts in industrialising the regional economy in order to limit importation of finished products and reduce the export of raw materials.
Hon. Kahongya emphasised the importance of collective action and regional cooperation in driving the region's industrialisation agenda in pursuit of the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap 2015-2063 which seeks to promote industrialisation, enhance competitiveness, and deepen regional integration through structural transformation, leading to increased manufactured goods and exports.
He further called for the development of regional value chains, taking advantage of the region’s abundant minerals and natural resources which offer opportunities for trade, investment, and industrial development in the SADC region.
On her part, the SADC Deputy Executive Secretary for Regional Integration, Ms. Angele Makombo N’Tumba commended Member States for their commitment to the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap. She highlighted the significance of the decisions made during the 23rd MTF in advancing the region's industrialization goals. Ms. Makombo NTumba encouraged continued cooperation among Member States and stakeholders to implement the agreed actions successfully.
The Deputy Executive Secretary said the region needs to implement high impact projects to change tide for industrialising regional economies. She highlighted that, as part of the on-going process of prioritised projects on the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) 2020-2030, the region has prioritised the development of the Agro-processing, Minerals and Pharmaceutical value chains with a special focus on scaling up participation in the higher segments of the value chains to maximise benefits for SADC citizens.
During the meeting, Ministers reviewed the progress made in implementing the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap since its inception in 2015, focusing on progress made since the previous meeting in Lilongwe, Malawi in July 2022, in the areas of Value chains and infrastructure development as well as policy harmonisation, amongst others.
Among the outcomes of the deliberations were key decisions taken to support industrialisation and regional integration. In terms of policy harmonisation in support of industrial development, the Ministers urged Member States to expedite the ratification of the Protocol on Industry by June 2024. The Protocol on Industry is a critical instrument designed to enhance industrial development and create a conducive environment for investment and regional value chains within the SADC region.
The Ministers directed the Secretariat to undertake a revision of the Protocol on Mining in consultation with stakeholders, with the aim of aligning the Protocol to current trends and best practices in the mining sector and to also buttress the implementation of the Regional Mining Vision. The mining sector, and mineral beneficiation in particular, is key to the region's industrialization drive and development and one of the growth paths identified in the Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap, alongside agro-processing.
In pursuit of the need for diversification of industrial production and exports through sinking substantial investments in identified investment opportunities and projects, the Ministers directed the SADC Secretariat, working with Member States and the private sector, to mobilise resources and convene a regional investment forum. The Forum shall, among others, aim to promote the projects to potential investors but, more importantly, seek partnerships and cooperation in developing projects among Member States.
In furtherance of the advocacy and communication Strategy for Industrialisation, the Ministers reiterated the importance of the Annual SADC Industrialisation Week (SIW) and directed the Secretariat to work closely with partners such as private sector to propose the best modality for organizing the SIW with the aim of making this annual event more inclusive, interactive, and tailored to address the specific needs of Member States. The SIW is a public-private engagement platform that helps to foster new opportunities for intra-African trade and investment in the SADC region.
The meeting of the Ministerial Task Force on Regional Economic Integration is held annually to provide policy and strategic direction towards the realisation of the industrialization and regional integration objectives of the SADC region.