Août 22, 2024

SADC to host the 29th Southern Africa Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF-29) and the SADC Sub-sectoral Committee Meeting (SCOM)

The Secretariat of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), through the ClimSA programme, which is financially supported by the European Union (EU) funded through the Intra-ACP Climate Services and related Application (ClimSA) Programme, will be hosting the Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF-29) on 26th – 28th August 2024 and the SADC Sub-sectoral Committee Meeting (SCOM) on Meteorology on 29th – 30th August 2024, in Harare, Republic of Zimbabwe.

These meetings are integral to the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) in the SADC region. The GFCS aims to strengthen and coordinate the development, delivery, and use of climate services to support decision-making in addressing climate-related risks at national, regional, and global levels.

These meetings take place against the backdrop of the SADC region's call for a Regional Humanitarian Appeal to assist Member States affected by the El Niño-induced Drought and Floods, as well as other climate challenges such as low rainfall, increased frequency of floods, cyclones, and droughts.

Aligned with the SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) 2020–2030, which emphasises the integration of environmental considerations into socio-economic development activities, the meetings will deliberate on initiatives and strategies to enhance the sustainable use and management of the environment in the fight against poverty and food insecurity through climate services

The SARCOF, held biannually, plays a crucial role in identifying climate variability patterns for the season, evaluating the past season and issuing an outlook for the upcoming rainfall season. This forum brings together climate service producers and key stakeholders from sectors including the Water, Energy, Food and Agriculture, Health and the Disaster Risk Reduction to deliberate on the implications and mitigation strategies for upcoming rainfall season to concurrently co-develop an early warning advisory for the region which contributes to climate-driven decision-making for policy and operational users. The theme for SARCOF-29 is; "At the frontline of climate action towards improved climate services in the SADC Region."

The SCOM meeting on Meteorology will review activities and programmes related to the implementation activities in the SADC Meteorology Sector, strengthen regional meteorological systems, review policy frameworks for sustainable maintenance and financial support for the region's meteorological services, and assess progress on the implementation of the SADC Protocol on Transport, Communications, and Meteorology.

These meetings will bring together a wide range of stakeholders including climate scientists, researchers, socio-economic sector representatives, governmental and non-governmental organisations, development partners, decision-makers, and media personnel. 

The meetings will further provide a platform for discussions and technical exchanges on the latest advancements in climate science and technology, with a specific focus on emerging applications, disaster risk reduction, and anticipatory actions.

These engagements are preceded by a Climate Experts Meeting (CEM) being held from 19th to 25th August 2024. The CEM aims to enhance the capacity of Climate Experts in long range forecasting from the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of the SADC region.

For enquiries:

Ms. Barbara Lopi, Head of Communication and Public Relations, email;  or Mr. Letso S. Mpho, email or email