Février 16, 2013

French Ambassador Courtesy Call to SADC- ES

SADC Executive Secretary Dr. Tomaz Augusto Salomão received the newly-appointed French Ambassador, Her Excellency Anne de la Blache for a courtesy call, on February 16, 2013 at SADC Headquarters.

Speaking with the Ambassador, Dr. Salomão expressed his warm sentiments towards France and its people and indicated that he had worked very well with her predecessor who was particularly keen on developments in Madagascar. He also gave an overview of the political situation in SADC Region with particular reference to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar and Zimbabwe.

Ambassador de la Blache was keen to know how SADC will assist Madagascar to hold credible elections and she also supported the UN initiative with respect to DRC.H.E. Mrs. de la Blache who is a Career Senior Diplomat was nominated as Ambassador of France to Botswana and Special Representative to SADC in January 2013.Prior to taking up this position, she was Senior Counselor in the French Embassy to the United States, from 2008 to 2012.

From 2004 to 2008, she was Training and Recruitment Director in the Ministry des of Foreign Affairs in Paris (Human Resources Department), as well as Director of the Consular Institute.Before that, she served as Political Counselor in the French Embassy in Madrid, Spain (2000-2004) and in the French Embassy in Brussels, Belgium (1996-2000).