Juillet 10, 2018

SADC ICT Sub-Committee (SCOM) Meeting held in Gaborone

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat convened the SADC ICT SCOM Meeting from the 4th to 6th July 2018 in Gaborone, Botswana. The Meeting was attended by fifty-two (52) delegates from eight (8) SADC Member States namely; Botswana, Kingdom of Eswatini, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. The meeting was also attended by Executive Secretaries of all SADC ICT Implementing Agencies, the Communications Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa (CRASA) and Southern African Telecommunications Association (SATA), and Southern Africa Postal Operators’ Association (SAPOA) and Secretary General of the Southern Africa Broadcasting Association (SABA). Also in attendance was the Global System for Mobile Association (GSMA), International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and African Union (AU) Youth Council.

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