Avril 30, 2013

Updates on SADC Member States.


Botswana has given Malawi a soft loan of US$ 10 million to be used in its agriculture and health sectors – a development that heralded a long term commitment to sharing resourc­es and expertise in various areas. The loan will also assist alleviate the fuel situation in Malawi.

The two governments, which have a Joint Permanent Commission of Co­operation, also agreed to fast track pri­vate sector engagement and establish an Investment and Promotion protec­tion agreement to expedite provision of the credit lines.


Malawi and Mozambique are ex­pected to sign an energy deal when President Armando E. Guebuza visits his counterpart President Joyce Banda next month.The electricity tapping deal entails that both countries can either export or im­port to each other depending on excess power.


Zimbabwe has dismissed the partial lifting of the European Union sanc­tions as a “non-event.” The Government called for the total and unequivocal lift­ing of sanctions against Zimbabwe. Meanwhile, Zimbabweans have ap­proved a new constitution bringing the country a step closer to holding full elec­tions in the next few months. Nearly 95 percent of voters in a referendum ap­proved the new charter.

And South African President, Jacob Zuma has urged SADC to be robust and deploy elections observers in Zimbabwe well be­fore the general elections and remain in the country for some time after the polls in order to make follow-ups and deal with issues as they arise.