June 27, 2020

Key Outcomes of the 22nd Meeting of the Ministerial Committee of the Organ

The following are the Key Outcomes of the 22nd Meeting of the SADC Ministerial Committee of the Organ (MCO) on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation virtual meeting held on 26 June, 2020. The meeting was Chaired by Honourable Lt General (Rtd) Dr Sibusiso B. Moyo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Zimbabwe and Chairperson of the MCO.

  1. The MCO noted that, whilst the region has remained peaceful and stable, there are isolated challenges in some Member States. On this note, MCO committed to remain seized with the political and security developments in the region.
  2. The MCO commended the Chairperson of the Organ, H.E. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, for convening the Extraordinary Summit to discuss the security situation in the Republic of Mozambique, and reiterated SADC Region’s solidarity with the Republic of Mozambique and commitment to collectively address terrorism in the Region
  3. The Meeting of the Ministerial Committee of the Organ (MCO) considered an assessment on Peace and Security threats, commended the Secretariat for the compressive report and directed it to prepare a costed action plan for the implementation of the recommendations contained in the Assessment Report, and to mainstream high impact and urgent recommendations in the 2021/22 plan and budget.
  4. The MCO endorsed the Mechanism in Honour of the Founders of SADC, which will include naming of rooms at the SADC Secretariat, its Satellite Offices, and other strategic places such as Government buildings and Parliament offices in different countries; SADC Essay Competition and Curriculum reforms to include the legacy of SADC Founders; Commissioning research leading to publications focusing on all the founders (individually and/ collectively); and Awarding Medals.
  5. Noting the need to respond to the contemporary threat of proliferation of small arms and light weapons in the SADC Region, the MCO endorsed the Draft Agreement Amending the SADC Protocol on the Control of Firearms, Ammunition and Other Related Materials to be submitted to the Committee of SADC Ministers of Justice for legal clearance The Draft Agreement seeks to broaden the scope of application of the Protocol to include conventional weapons; align it with the international conventions; and incorporate contemporary threats of proliferation of small arms and light weapons in the region and best practices and standards for prevention and combating illicit proliferation, circulation and trafficking of firearms, ammunitions and related materials.
  6. On women and youth, the MCO urged Member States to pay particular attention to the low level of representation of women and youth in elected political positions, noting that, whilst women form more than 50% of registered voters across the SADC Region, they remain greatly marginalized in elected positions, thus reflecting poorly on performance to achieving the set targets under the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development.
  7. The MCO congratulated the people of Malawi for the peaceful manner with which they conducted themselves in the fresh Presidential Election held on 23rd June 2020; and urged all stakeholders to remain peaceful whilst the Malawi Electoral Commission finalizes the process of tallying the results of the Election
  8. Noting the impacts of COVID-19 on SADC Electoral Observation Missions, the MCO directed the Secretariat in collaboration with the SADC Electoral Advisory Council to develop guidelines on electoral observations during outbreaks and pandemics such as the COVID-19
  9. The MCO urged the Member States holding elections during the COVID-19 pandemic to implement health requirements and regulations to combat its spread.
  10. The MCO condemned the continued occupation and exploitation of the Glorieuse Islands by the French Government in defiance of the relevant resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and the African Union (formerly OAU).
  11. The MCO commended theChairperson of the MCO Hon. Lt General (Rtd) Dr Sibusiso B. Moyo for the excellent stewardship and exceptional leadership provided during his tenure.