July 23, 2014

AIDS 2014: SADC Satellite Session: Walking the Talk - One SADC, One Vision, One Way

Caption from left to right: Megh Jagriti (MSH), Steven Sianga (SADC), Thomas Bisika (Malawi NAC), Alphonse Mulumba (SADC), Benjamin Ofosu-Koranteng (UNDP), Vitalis Chipfakacha (SADC)

A SADC Satellite Session was held on the 21st July 2014 as part of the AIDS 2014 Conference in Melbourne, Australia. The session was attended by more than 50 participants. Thomas Bisika from the Malawi National AIDS Commission (NAC) gave the keynote address. Comments and questions after the session addressed creating local ownership for Zimbabwe's domestic funding model and giving more attention to key populations, including sexual minorities in various Member States.

"The session was useful. I liked the concept of the domestic financial levy-we need to work on this as a region. The discussion on multiple concurrent partnerships was also interesting, as it isn't spoken about much. It was also key that we raised the effect of cultural influences-we need to take the issue of key populations forward and move from research to implementation." - Kenneth Phiri and Misheck Nkhata, Malawi

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