By Mr C. Mwape (PO-SPS) and Dr O S Chinyamakobvu (TA – TBT&SPS)
Intercontinental Hotel in Lusaka, Zambia, was the venue of the second Regional Economic Integration Support (REIS) Programme funded Sanitary & Phytosanitary (SPS) and Food Safety standards training workshop that took place from 20 - 21 January 2016. Attended by over 45 farmers and agro-processors from 14 SADC Member States, the main objectives of the workshop were:
- To deepen the understanding of food safety sanitary issues by participants
- To enhance participation of the private sector in the development and implementation of harmonized national, regional and international standards
- To establish food safety networks
- To identify food safety related concerns faced by the private sector.
The objectives were realized through a mix of technical presentations and group discussion sessions led by SADC Secretariat Officers and national SPS experts from the region. In particular delegates were made to appreciate the importance of adhering to food safety standards, not only for hygiene but also for trade success. Delegates were appraised of how international SPS and Food Safety standards are developed. Delegates were also shown how they can and should participate in the international standards development process. A visit to the Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) food testing laboratories was also undertaken and this gave delegates a better understanding of how food quality is monitored and how some food borne diseases are detected.
The majority of the participants were representatives of agriculture linked associations or unions and it is expected that they will share the knowledge learnt with other stakeholders back home.
PHOTO (Zambia)
Delegates attending the SPS and Food Safety Training Workshop at the Intercontinental Hotel, Lusaka, Zambia from 20 – 21 January 2016 visiting ZABS Food Testing laboratories