January 20, 2017

Executive Secretary Visits the SADC Standby Force Regional Logistics Depot Site

SADC Executive Secretary Her Excellency Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax visited the SADC SF RLD site to appreciate the location and meet with the village leadership on January 20, 2017. The Executive Secretary updated the Chief of Arbitration, Mr. Olefile Mosekiemang on behalf of Rasesa village Chief Mr. Rasesa Letshwenyo Rasesa to discuss on the developments surrounding the establishment of the SADC Regional logistics depot, the most important one being the approval of the Environmental Management Plan. The purpose of the EMP is to ensure that in the course of the construction of the RLD all possible measures would be taken to safeguard the environment and to ensure effective management of the project.

Chief of Arbitration, Mr. Olefile Mosekiemang expressed his gratitude for the visit and reiterated the commitment and support of the village leadership towards the realisation of the project.

As the SADC SF is one of the building blocks of the African Standby Force (ASF) of the African Union, whose purpose is to provide the African Union with capabilities to respond to conflicts through the deployment of peacekeeping forces and to undertake interventions pursuant to Article 4(h) and (i) of the Constitutive Act. The SADCSF was officially launched at the 27th Ordinary Summit of the SADC Heads of States and Government in Lusaka, Zambia on the17th August 2007 in accordance with African Standby Force Roadmap.

The decision to establish the SADC Regional Logistics Depot (RLD) in Botswana was made by the SADC Defence Chiefs in 2006. Following that decision, the Government of the Republic of Botswana allocated to SADC 19 hectares of land to cater for the establishment of the SADCSF RLD in Rasesa within the Kgatleng Tribal Area.

The RLD is expected to hold general purpose equipment for the police, military and civilian components of the SADC Standby Force and the construction of the RLD is projected to begin in 2017.

The SADC Executive Secretary was accompanied by Mr. Jorge Cardoso, Director Organ, Politics, and Security, Brig. Michael Mukokomani, COS SADC SF Planning Element, Lt. Col. Wilbert Ibuge, HOD Defence Affairs and Planning Unit and Lt. Col. Ashley Stoneham, Logistics Officer, Defence Affairs.



