Tripartite Transport and Transit Facilitation Programme (TTTFP) validation workshop for cross border road transport agreements, model laws and regulations in Eastern and Southern Africa to be convened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 22-26 October 2018. The TTTFP goal is to assist COMESA, EAC and SADC (Tripartite) member states to harmonize road transport laws, policies, regulations, standards and systems. The TTTFP is funded by the EU under the 11th EDF. TTTFP is coordinated by a Programme Management Unit hosted by SADC Secretariat on behalf of the Tripartite.
Target Participants
The target participants are Experts from the 21 beneficiary member states representing Ministries or Government Agencies with responsibilities and mandates in the following;
i) Attorney General Chambers or entity responsible for domestication of international agreements
ii) Vehicle Load Management
iii) Cross Border Road Transport Regulation
iv) Vehicle and Driver Registration and Licensing
v) Vehicle Fitness Testing
vi) Dangerous Goods –Emergency First Responders and Law Enforcement
In addition, fifteen (15) regional subsidiarity organizations with a mandate that covers cross border road transport and trade facilitation have also been invited to participate.
International Cooperating Partners funding and or implementing complementary programs have also been invited.
The documents to be validated include the following:
i) Draft Tripartite Vehicle Load Management Agreement (VLMA)
ii) Draft Multilateral Cross Border Road Transport Agreement (MCBRTA)
iii) Draft Model Laws & Regulations
- Vehicle Load Management
- Cross Border Road Transport
- Road Traffic (including Driver Quality and Vehicle Quality)
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods
- Road Traffic and Transport Transgressions
The two agreements are to be signed by Member States after validation and adoption and the model laws will assist Member States to domesticate the agreements. The TTTFP is also conducting training workshop is each beneficiary member state to explain the contents of the agreements and model laws in order to facilitate signing of the agreements.
Workshop Arrangements
The workshop will be convened as follows;
Dates: 22-26th October 2018
Venue: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Hotel: To be confirmed and advised
Invitations: Letters have been sent to respective institutions.
The workshop is managed and facilitated by COMESA, EAC and SADC Secretariats and the TTTFP Programme Management Unit.
For more information, please contact Lovemore Bingandadi, TTTFP Program Coordinator and Gerrit Fischer –Team Leader TTTFP