The SADC Tertiary Institution Essay Competition was introduced as part of the initiatives aimed at providing due recognition to the Founders of SADC for their contribution to the establishment of SADC and subsequent pursuance of a regional integration agenda.
The topic for the 2024 edition is; “What in your opinion has SADC achieved since its formation; and does it reflect the vision of its founders?”
SADC Tertiary Institution Essay Competition is calling for submissions of essay entries from active tertiary institution-going learners. The entries will be coordinated by the Ministries of Education in all respective SADC Member States. It is the responsibility of Government officials in SADC Member States to submit the top three (3) essays to SADC Secretariat for adjudication at regional level.
The winners at regional level will be awarded as follows; 1st prize will receive a prize money of USD2000; 2nd Prize is USD1500; while 3rd Prize will be USD1000; and the top 10 winners will all receive certificates signed by the Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security. There will be no monetary rewards for national winners, but certificates of recognition for the top three (3) essays from each Member State.