SADC Statistics Contacts
SADC House
Plot No. 54385
Central Business District
Private Bag 0095
Gaborone, Botswana
For feedback and questions about SADC please contact:
This section presents regional publications on Macroeconomy, and Trade as well as Harmonised Consumer Price Index.
This section presents the SADC Statistics Frameworks: SADC Statistics Protocol, Regional Strategy for the Development of Statistics (RSDS).
This section presents technical documents on the following areas: Poverty, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Migration.
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) as one the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) collaborates with other (RECs), the African Union and other continental frameworks in contributing to the continental and global development agendas such as Africa’s agenda 2063 and the global Sustainable Development Goals.
This section presents statistics on Population, Health, Education, National account, Prices, External Sector, Money and banking, Foreign Direct Investment, Agriculture, Environment, Tourism, Transport, Energy, Water, ICT, Mining.
SADC House
Plot No. 54385
Central Business District
Private Bag 0095
Gaborone, Botswana
For feedback and questions about SADC please contact: