The SADC Audit Committee held its 17th ordinary meeting from 20-23 July 2016.
In line with its mandate, scope and purpose the Committee's reviewed reports on financial activities, internal controls, risk management systems, internal audit, external audit and assessed the measures adopted by Management for the achievement of economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the operations of the SADC Secretariat for financial year 2015/2016 which ended in March 2016.
The SADC Audit Committee was established by the Council of Ministers in March 2011 for the purpose of reviewing compliance with financial, regulatory, corporate governance, accountability and transparency framework for SADC under provisions of the Treaty.
The Committee is currently chaired by Mr. Stephen Kamphasa (Auditor General of Malawi) and other members are from Seychelles, Zambia, Mauritius and Lesotho. This meeting will be the last meeting for Zambia tenure which comes to an end and Madagascar will nominate new members to the Committee. This is because Member States serve in this Committee on rotational basis.