The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) and the European Union (EU) Regions met under the 2015 SADC-EU Ministerial Political Dialogue Meeting on 27 October 2015 in Luxembourg. The objective of the meeting was to discuss issues of mutual interest and to enhance cooperation between the two Regions. The meeting was co-chaired by H.E, Mr. J. Asselborn, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg and Hon. Kenneth Matambo, Minister of Finance and Development Planning of Botswana, Chairperson of the SADC Council of Ministers.
The meeting discussed pertinent issues affecting the two regions and how to enhance collaboration in programmes that can generate investment, create jobs, boost economic growth and promote peace and security in the two regions. Discussions centered on implementation of the Revised Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) for the SADC region and on the European Commission Investment Plan for Europe (ECIPE) also referred to as “Junckers Plan” or EU Infrastructure and Investment Plan.
The meeting also discussed how to enhance collaboration to address common challenges such as migration and climate change. They welcomed the adoption of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by World Leaders in September 2015 under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The meeting concluded that EU and SADC would continue to work together to enhance collaboration in implementing programmes of mutual interest under the support of the European Development Fund (EDF), recognizing the status of implementation of programmes under the 10th EDF and the programming of the 11th EDF. Under the 11th EDF, the EU had allocated a total of Euro 90 million for the SADC Sub-Regional Indicative Programme to support priority programmes under Regional Economic Integration; Peace, Security and Regional Stability; Regional Natural Resource Management; Capacity Development as well as technical cooperation facility. SADC will also benefit from the 11th EDF Cross Regional Envelope for Eastern Africa, Southern Africa and Indian Ocean (EA-SA-IO) infrastructure envelope allocated Euro 600 million. The two regions recognize the important role of the private sector in implementing infrastructure programmes.
The meeting was also attended by Hon. Mrs Nyeleti Mondlane, Mozambique Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, representing the Chairperson of the Ministerial Committee of the SADC Organ on Politics Defence and Security; H.E., Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax, Executive Secretary of SADC; and Senior Officials from the SADC Double Troika Member States; the European Union Commission and the SADC Secretariat.