February 4, 2014

Tripartite Climate Change 2014 Meeting

The COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Programme Management Units of the Programme on Climate Change Adaptation and Miti­gation met in Gaborone, Bo­tswana from January 14 to 16, 2014 to finalise their 2014 work plans and budgets and review progress for the last half of 2013.

Officially opening the meet­ing, SADC Director for Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mrs Margaret Nyirenda, urged the Pro­gramme Management units to be creative but remain focussed on the pro­gramme objectives of improving the lives of the vulnerable communities.Mrs Nyirenda noted that positions in the Units, except for the EAC, have now been filled and that this has boosted the capacity to implement the programme. She therefore implored the three Regional Economic Com­munities (RECs) to accelerate the implemen­tation of the programme in 2014.

The Tripartite programme which is being im­plemented in 26 Member States, commenced in 2010 and will initially run for five years. It is being funded by the European Union, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Department for International Development (DFID).The overall objective of the progamme is to address impacts of Climate Change in the COMESA-EAC-SADC Region successful ad­aptation and mitigation actions which also build economic and social resilience for pres­ent and future generations.Speaking at the same meeting on behalf of COMESA, the Tripartite Climate Change Co­ordinator, Dr Mclay Kanyangarara noted that Climate Change was an area in which the RECs were able to move in unison, which can make the subject a flagship of the Tripartite arrangement.

Dr Kanyangarara observed that the Tripartite approach was the best to achieve regional in­tegration for Africa and that it was gratifying to note that Climate Change is one of the is­sues collectively tackled thereunder.The programme has, among other things, strengthened the African position and capac­ity of African countries in negotiations result­ing in African voice being heard globally. It is supporting countries to develop strategies in Climate Change as well as scaling up Climate Smart Agriculture.Further, the programme under the Regional Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis has succeeded in institutionalising and harmonis­ing vulnerability assessment in SADC Mem­ber States. These assessments have helped avert and mitigate suffering and vulnerabil­ity by providing clear information on popu­lations vulnerable to food insecurity and the effects of other shocks including climate change.The Programme Management Units were meeting ahead of the donors’ meeting that is scheduled to take place early February 2014.