Closing Date: February 25, 2025

Closing Time: 11:59 PM

Open Tender



COUNTRY:                  Botswana 


PROJECT ID:                     P180171


REFERENCE NUMBER:      SADC/3/5/2/377 

DATE OF ISSUE:            5th February 2025 


The SADC Secretariat through the SADC DRR Unit is implementing a Regional Climate Resilience Project (RCRP). The Project is the first in a Series of Projects (SOP), and involves Madagascar, Mozambique, South Sudan, Comoros, and two regional organizations: SADC, and the Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO). The overarching development objective of the SOP is to strengthen the resilience to water-related climate impacts in Eastern and Southern African countries.

The SADC Secretariat managed share of the RCRP is being implemented over a period of five years, with an expected closing date of December 29, 2028. It is financed through a grant of US$ 5M and will be implemented through three main components: namely; Risk Management and Climate Financing; Infrastructure Investments and Sustainable Asset Management for Climate Resilience; and Adaptive Climate Services for Resilience Communities. It will be implemented through a Project Implementation Manual and coordinated by Project Implementation Unit (PMU).

The project serves as a first step towards a regional platform to tackle climate adaptation through a common and coordinated approach, including on fund raising and consolidating multilateral and bilateral support - which is critical to ensure alignment, development, and scaled-up financing of critical adaptive interventions.

It will contribute to improved disaster risk management in support of regional resilience and the strengthening of climate change, adaptation and mitigation, under the cross-cutting issues of the SADC Vision 2050, as well as contribute towards the achievement of the aspirations of SADC as spelt out in the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan 2020-2030

The Secretariat is also implementing the Regional Statistics Project that was signed in June 2023 with a duration up to October 2028 in the order of $10.0 million.  The project seeks to modernize beneficiaries’ data ecosystems by addressing gaps in data production and use and it will enhance the production, dissemination, and use of harmonized high-quality statistics. As such, the Project’s Development Objective (PDO) is to strengthen the institutional capacity of SADC and participating countries to produce, disseminate and use quality statistics while increasing regional harmonization and collaboration. 

The project is being implemented through the following components:

  1. Improving capacity for data production, management, and dissemination.

  2. Improve access and usage of regional statistics.

  3. Project Management.


The SADC Secretariat therefore invites applications from suitably qualified individuals for THE POSITION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT FOR THE RCRP AND STATISTICS PROJECTS.


Time Commitment :  100%

Accountable         :  Project Coordinator, Regional Climate Resilience Project and                                Statistics Project 

Duration of Assignment: 2 years 

1. The Objectives of the Assignment 

1.1 Overall objective

The overall objective of this assignment is to support the work of the Project teams, as well as offer logistics and other support functions in the implementation of the relevant project activities.

1.2 Specific objectives

The specific objectives of the assignment are to support all administrative duties of the Regional Climate Resilience and Statistics projects including to:

  • effectively undertake relevant SADC internal processes, procedures and information systems pertaining to administration, logistics, finance and administration to ensure effective delivery of projects activities;

  • Work closely with the Procurement and the Assistant Finance Officers of the projects to ensure payments to service providers are done as per financial procedures;

  • Ensure administrative and logistics arrangements are in place prior to activities and ensure services are effectively delivered during specific activities requiring travel and events management;

  • Keep track of and register incoming mails, prepare responses and facilitate signatures and dispatch of  documents to the SADC Management and Member States;

1.3  Expected results

The Project Coordinator is expected to ensure achievement of the following results: 

  • Draft letters, note verbals and documents and records for meetings are produced in a coherent and synthesized way, as and when required, submitted for approval and circulated upon clearance;

  • translation of documents, both technical and administrative for circulation to Member States as per set deadlines are facilitated; 

  • applications for residence permits for staff and project teams are facilitated and followed up in liaison with SADC Admin and in line with SADC procedures and guidelines;

  • visa applications are facilitated for all those involved in project implementation (project affected parties);

  • SADC internal processes, procedures and information systems pertaining to logistics, finance and administration are effectively used to support delivery on project activities;

  • Relevant payments are followed up with the Assistant Finance Officers of the projects to ensure payments to service providers are done timeously and as per financial procedures;

  • Documents filing and referencing systems are executed in conformity with the SADC filing system;

  • incoming mail, correspondences and communications are followed up and acted upon;

  • draft responses to correspondences for consideration are drafted and sent in a timely manner by the Project Coordinators;

  • records, mail and documents submitted for signature and/or information to the SADC Management are facilitated;

  • relevant documents are collated as may be requested and filed;

  • scheduling and arrangements for meetings including conference room bookings are facilitated;

  • stock levels of stationery and others relevant supplies for the projects are updated and maintained;

  • visitors are welcomed to the office, and directed to the relevant staff/meeting rooms as appropriate;

  • names, addresses and telephone numbers of relevant RCRP and Statistics project contacts are maintained updated and circulate amongst all projects staff;

  • travel arrangements for the projects implementation are facilitated by assisting in preparing all travel arrangements as per set deadlines;

  • administrative and logistics arrangements are in place prior to activities and ensure services are effectively delivered during specific activities requiring travel and events management;

  • project audits and communication related activities are supported; and

  • any other tasks allocated by the Project Coordinators as well as the Heads of DRR and SPO Statistics are undertaken.


This assignment is expected to be carried out by an individual consultant expert.  The specific profile is provided below.

2.1 Qualifications and Skills

Minimum Diploma Secretarial services or Administration.

2.2 General Professional Experience

  • Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience in a similar position either in a Governmental and/or Private Sector institution;
  • Demonstrated experience in planning and implementation of events including travel coordination;
  • Previous experience in a regional/continental/international organization is an advantage;
  • High proficiency in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.).

2.3 Specific Professional Experience

⦁   Communication and presentation skills

⦁   Interpersonal skills

⦁   Networking and relationship building 

⦁   Organisational skills (planning, work prioritisation, time management)

⦁   Problem-solving skills

⦁   Capable of maintaining quality whilst working under pressure and adhering to deadlines

⦁   Organisational awareness with an understanding of how to engage the organisation to get things done 

⦁   Professionalism and adherence to good work ethics

⦁   Resilience and personal drive, self-motivation

⦁   Results and performance driven

3. Duration of the assignment

The contractual period for the position of this project shall be 2 years, renewable subject to satisfactory performance.

4. Facilities to be provided by the Client 

The SADC Secretariat through the Projects will provide office space and office equipment to facilitate the project’s work. 

5. Location of Employment

The assignment will will be based at the SADC Secretariat in Gaborone, Botswana, and will involve traveling to facilitate project activities.

6. The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” dated September 2023 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. 

7. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant Selection Method set out in the Procurement Regulations.

8. Mode of Application

Submit an updated detailed curriculum vitae (CVs) and copies of professional certificates to the Secretariat through Friday 21st February 2025 on or before 23:59 hours, Botswana local time, to the link below. No public opening will be held.

SADC Collab link:

Kindly note that only highly technically scored bidder will be contacted for negotiations meeting.

9. Additional requests for information and clarifications can be made through the address below:

The Procuring entity: SADC Secretariat

Head of Procurement Unit 

Contact person: Ms. Mercy Mikuwa 

Telephone: +267 364 1989 / 3951863

Fax: 3972848


Copy to:


Position Title and No.


Name of Expert: 

{Insert full name}

Date of Birth:


Country of Citizenship/Residence


Education: {List college/university or other specialized education, giving names of educational institutions, dates attended, degree(s)/diploma(s) obtained}


Employment record relevant to the assignment: {Starting with present position, list in reverse order. Please provide dates, name of employing organization, titles of positions held, types of activities performed and location of the assignment, and contact information of previous clients and employing organization(s) who can be contacted for references. Past employment that is not relevant to the assignment does not need to be included.}


Employing organization and your title/position. Contact information for references


Summary of activities performed relevant to the Assignment

[e.g., May 2005-present]

[e.g., Ministry of ……, advisor/consultant to…


For references: Tel…………/e-mail……; Mr. Hbbbbb, deputy minister]











Membership in Professional Associations and Publications: ______________________________________________________________________

Language Skills (indicate only languages in which you can work): ______________


Adequacy for the Assignment:

Detailed Tasks Assigned on Consultant’s Team of Experts: 


Reference to Prior Work/Assignments that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Assigned Tasks

{List all deliverables/tasks as in REOI or TORS in which the  Expert will be involved)







 Experts contact information: (e-mail …………………., phone……………)


I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank. 


Name of Expert                                              Signature               Date




1.     Project Background

The SADC Secretariat is implementing the SADC Regional Climate Resilience Project (RCRP) and the Regional Statistics Project, funded by World Bank. The Regional Climate Resilience Project aims to improve the management of water-related climate impacts in Eastern and Southern Africa. It is being implemented through the following components: 

(i) Risk Management and Climate Financing; 

(ii) nfrastructure Investments and Sustainable Asset Management for Climate Resilience; 

(iii) Adaptive Climate Services for Resilience Communities; 

(iv) Project Management; 

The RCRP will is financed through a grant of US$ 5.0 million and will be implemented over a period of five years, with an expected closing date of December 29, 2028. 

The Secretariat is also implementing the Regional Statistics Project that was signed in June 2023 with a duration up to October 2028 in the order of $10.0 million.  The project seeks to modernize beneficiaries’ data ecosystems by addressing gaps in data production and use and it will enhance the production, dissemination, and use of harmonized high-quality statistics. As such, the Project’s Development Objective (PDO) is to strengthen the institutional capacity of SADC and participating countries to produce, disseminate and use quality statistics while increasing regional harmonization and collaboration. 

The project is being implemented through the following components:

(vi) Improving capacity for data production, management, and dissemination

(v) Improve access and usage of regional statistics.

(vi) Project Management.

1.1     Main Purpose

The Secretariat aims to engage the services of an Administrative Assistant in support of the Regional Climate Resilience Project and the Regional Statistics Project, both funded by the World Bank. The Project Administrative Assistant will be based at the SADC Secretariat in Gaborone, Botswana in line with the schedule of activities and will support both Projects.

Under the direct supervision of the Project Coordinators for the Regional Climate Resilience Project and Regional Statistics Project, and overall guidance of the Heads of the DRR and Statistics Units, the Project Administrative Assistant will support the work of Project Administration and Finance teams, as well as offer logistics and other support functions in the implementation of the relevant project activities.

1.2    Scope of Services 

The Administrative Assistant will support the Regional Climate Resilience Projects and Regional Statistics project Coordinators with programmatic, administrative and logistical tasks to ensure that the projects proceed according to plan and achieves its intended objectives and contributes to the overall strategic objectives of SADC, the World Bank and its partners. Specifically, the Administrative Assistant will:

  • Draft letters and documents and produce meetings records in a coherent and synthesized way, as and when required, and submit for approval and circulate upon clearance;

  • Facilitate translation of documents, both technical and administrative for circulation to Member States as per set deadlines; 

  • Support and follow up applications for residence permits for staff and project teams in liaison with SADC Administrative procedures and guidelines;

  • Prepare and finalize Note Verbale and ensure visa facilitation for all concerned in project implementation (project affected parties);

  • Effectively use the SADC internal processes, procedures and information systems to deliver on project activities implementation pertaining to logistics, finance and administration;

  • Work closely with the Assistant Finance Officers of the projects to ensure payments to service providers are done as per financial procedures;

  • Create and maintain the filing and reference systems in conformity with the SADC filing system;

  • Follow up and register incoming correspondences and communications;

  • Draft responses to correspondences for consideration and ensure that responses are sent in a timely manner by the Project Coordinators;

  • Keep record of all mail sent and all documents given for signature and/or information to the SADC Management;

  • Photocopy and collate documents as may be requested;

  • Provide assistance in arranging and scheduling of meetings including arrangement of conference facilities;

  • Maintain stock, distribute stationery and other supplies, and update the stock levels as appropriate;

  • Welcome visitors to the office, and direct them to the relevant staff/meeting rooms as appropriate;

  • Regularly update names, addresses and telephone numbers of relevant RCRP and Statistics project contacts and circulate amongst all projects staff;

  • Facilitate travel arrangements for the projects implementation by assisting in preparing all travel arrangements as per set deadlines;

  • Ensure administrative and logistics arrangements are in place prior to activities and ensure services are effectively delivered during specific activities requiring travel and events management;

  • Provide support to projects auditing and communication related activities; and

  • Perform any other tasks allocated by Project Coordinators as well as the Heads of DRR and SPO Statistics.

2.0    Education/Experience/Language requirements

2.1.     Education

  • Minimum Diploma Secretarial services or Administration.

2.2.    Knowledge and Experience

  • Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience in a similar position either in a Governmental and/or Private Sector institution;
  • Demonstrated experience in planning and implementation of events including travel coordination;
  • Previous experience in a regional/continental/international organization is an advantage;
  • High proficiency in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.).

Skills required

⦁   Communication and presentation skills

⦁   Interpersonal skills

⦁   Networking and relationship building 

⦁   Organisational skills (planning, work prioritisation, time management)

⦁   Problem-solving skills

⦁   Capable of maintaining quality whilst working under pressure and adhering to deadlines

⦁   Organisational awareness with an understanding of how to engage the organisation to get things done 

⦁   Professionalism and adherence to good work ethics

⦁   Resilience and personal drive, self-motivation

⦁   Results and performance driven

2.3    Languages

  • Full working knowledge of English language is required.
  • Knowledge of Portuguese and French languages is considered an asset.

2.4.   References

Verifiable references and membership of professional organization(s). 

2.5.   Reporting Relationships

The Project Administrative Assistant will report directly to the Project Coordinators for the World Bank RCRP and Regional Statistics projects for execution of tasks in a timely and effective manner.  There shall be effective working collaboration between both Project Coordinators.

3.0. Deliverables

The Project Administrative Assistant is expected achieve the following key deliverables at the minimal (list not exhaustive):



Key Deliverable 


Support the Project Coordinators to ensure that all contractual and financial obligations are met

Facilitate project monitoring and ensure that all financial and contractual obligations are met in line with the Project Financing Agreement, General Conditions of the Grant and SADC financial rules and regulations


Facilitate internal and external communication

Ensure that internal and external correspondences are acknowledged and acted upon and responded to.


Set up administrative and logistics process in implementation of project activitiesTimely delivery of administrative and logistics services of project implementation


Provide general organisational and administrative and logistical support, such as ordering supplies, arranging travel, and filing invoicesManage the activities of the project office including ordering supplies, arranging travel, and filing invoices.


Contribute to the project closure process including in collecting and analyzing feedback, documenting lessons learned, archiving project recordsSupport project closure activities including the audit and other project closure activities

4.0    Contract Terms 

The contractual period for the position of this project shall be 2 years renewable subject to satisfactory performance. The incumbent shall be provided with office space, laptop and internet connectivity amongst others in execution of the tasks for the position.

The candidate will be selected following individual consultant selection method under the WB Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers via request for Expression of Interest. 

5.0    Expected Start of Duty

As soon as the recruitment process is finalised.

6.0    Payment Terms

The consultant will be monthly upon submission of an invoice.

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